Health Happening
Featuring The O3 Fix - The "Holy Grail" of Health!
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) - How to treat Naturally

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Alternative Treatment

(3) Rebuild myelin sheath

The myelin sheath is primarily composed of fatty acids

Optimize your essential fat intake

Ensure a good supply of both animal and plant-based Omega-3 fats for myelin sheath integrity (also important for controlling extent of inflammatory reaction)


Powerful "O3-fix" - incorporates:

  • The Dr. Johanna BUDWIG PROTOCOL".   Fresh flax seed oil, with inherent high content of Omega-3 Alpha Linolenic acid, is proportionally blended with cottage cheese to make the omega-3 water soluble and more easily absorbed by the body's cells. For MS build up to a daily dose of 4-6 Tbsp. of flax oil. To supercharge the therapy, also add 3 Tbsp.fresh-ground flax seeds and strip down and take the mid-day (10am-2pm) sun for 30-60 mins each day.
  • Flax seed
  • Fish oil supplements

- Omega-3 EPA / DHA supplements: E.g.

E.g.      Krill Oil:  2 - 500 mg /day (total 1000 mg)

Or:    Wild Salmon Oil: Take 2 - 1000mg caps with each of 2 daily meals.

EFAs -The Fats of Life

Flax Seed

The "O3-Fix"

Study the Myelin Project

An organization researching the myelin sheath, founded by Augusto and Michaela Odone for their son, Lorenzo, who suffered from X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD), the most common of the leukodystrophies. MS is an acquired form of leukodystrophies. The story of the Odones' struggle was dramatized in the film "Lorenzo's Oil", starring Nick Nolte and Susan Sarandon, released by Universal Studios in 1992. At the Myelin Project website you will learn about Lorenzo's Oil, which may be of benefit in remyelination:

The Myelin Project

How to make rapeseed oil

(compare to Lorenzo's oil on the The Myelin Project website):

1) Grind or crush rapeseed seeds,

2) Make sure the shells are broken apart,

3) Boil them in water,

4) The oil will rise to the top of the mixture,

5) Use a "gravy strainer" to extract the oil from the mixture,

Use Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy.   In 2003 NASA found that a 10 Hz Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field caused neural tissue regeneration at 4x the baseline.

PEMF therapy

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